Aprotinin is used clinically to treat patients with acute pancreatitis and shock due to acute peritonitis. Enzyme immunoassay, using the rabbit antiaprotinin Fab''-.beta.-D-galactosidase complex and the rabbit antiaprotinin IgG-coupled polystyrene ball as a solid phase, was used to measure sera levels of aprotinin. The least measurable amount of the aprotinin in the enzyme immunoassay was .apprx. 0.002-0.005 kallikrein inhibitor U/ml. In the enzyme immunoassay of aprotinin in serum, the influence of serum on the assay was eliminated by using a buffer with gelatin as a sample diluent in the 1st step of the antigen and antibody reaction. Aprotinin levels in the serum, as estimated by enzyme immunoassay correlated highly with levels obtained by inhibition assay.