Magnetic resonance angiography of the extracranial carotid arteries and intracranial vessels

MRI is uniquely suited for evaluation of vascular structures due to its sensitivity to a variety of flow-related phenomena. Recent work has demonstrated that high quality magnetic resonance angiograms (MRA) of the carotid arteries and intracranial vasculature can be achieved by using gradient-echo techniques with short echo times. These MRAs are displayed like conventional arteriograms, but are acquired in a noninvasive fashion with a minimal increase in examination time. We used MRA to visualize 50 of 54 carotid bifurcations tested, with good correlation to the intra-arterial angiograms. We examined the intracranial vasculature in over 40 patients, and demonstrated aneurysms, vascular malformations, and occlusions.