The proton chemical shift and the geminal proton–proton and cis proton–fluorine coupling constants in 1-chloro-1-fluoroethylene depend primarily on the dielectric constant of the medium, although this dependence is not given by the Onsager reaction field model. A roughly linear relationship is found with the square root of the dielectric constant. The proton coupling constant decreases algebraically while the cis proton–fluorine coupling constant increases as the dielectric constant of the medium increases. The trans proton–fluorine coupling depends on dispersion interactions with the solvent molecules and increases as these interactions increase. The geminal coupling constant varies between − 3.8 and − 4.8 c.p.s., the cis coupling between 7.6 and 12.3 c.p.s., and the trans coupling between 36.9 and 38.6 c.p.s.