MaximalCPviolation in the six-quark model

Consideration is given to some experimental tests of the Kobayashi-Maskawa model of weak interactions for the case in which the CP-violating effects could be expected to be maximal, that is, δ=π2. A reanalysis of the model is carried out to verify that δ=π2 is consistent with existing data. In addition to the usual contributions of the high-energy quark box diagram, this analysis takes into account low-energy dispersive terms, which depend on the energy boundary μ. Double penguin diagrams are also shown to give a significant contribution to Δm, depending on μ. Fitting of the result for Δm(μ) to the measured mass difference leads to μ1 GeV, if the top-quark mass mt45 GeV. This places an upper limit on mt since, for larger mt, the calculated Δm is too high for all μ. The results of the analysis are applied to the dilepton asymmetry in B0, B¯0 production by e+e collisions and similar effects that can be obtained by comparing antineutrino with neutrino production of dileptons. When large asymmetries are found to occur, the rate is found to be hopelessly small because interference effects are suppressed. Large interference effects can occur if the parameters are chosen appropriately, but then the asymmetry is only 1 or 2%. It is also found that interference effects between T0 and T¯0 are enormously suppressed for any choice of the parameters.