We calculate the dilepton charge asymmetry in the neutral-conjugate-heavy-meson systems produced in e+e annihilation. This asymmetry, which is a measure of the intrinsic CP violation in the mass matrix, is calculated in the Kobayashi-Maskawa (KM) model as well as the Higgs-boson model of CP nonconservation. While the charge asymmetry is small for the D0D¯0 and B0B¯0 systems in both models, it is predicted to be quite large (101-102) in the T0T¯0 system in the Higgs-boson scheme. Thus if experiments to measure the dilepton asymmetry are feasible (but could be considerably difficult in practice), only the T0T¯0 system can distinguish between the Higgs-boson-exchange model and the KM model. A T-violating polarization of the lepton in the semileptonic decay of a meson cannot arise in the KM model. However, even in the Higgs-boson model the transverse polarization of the muon normal to the decay plane in the semileptonic kaon decay although nonzero is still quite small (at the level ∼ 104) unless the ratio of the two vacuum expectation values v22v32 is unexpectedly large. The T-odd τ-lepton polarization in B-meson decay is expected to be ∼ 102, thus conceivably measurable.