The G cells in pernicious anaemia

An indirect immunofluorescence technique, using the globulin fraction of rabbit antihuman gastrin serum, was applied to formalin-fixed material obtained by suction biopsy from the fundic mucosa of nine cases of pernicious anaemia. Cytochemical tests for endocrine polypeptide cells of the APUD series, in which the G cell is included, were carried out in parallel with immunofluorescence and with ultrastructural observations. G cells were present, in large numbers, in five of the nine cases studied. In the remaining four cases the predominantly intestinalized glands contained only enterochromaffin in cells. Because of their low gastrin content (immunofluorescence), low secretion granule content (cytochemistry), and the associated ultrastructural findings, it is suggested that the G cells of the fundic mucosa are in a state of high synthetic and high secretory activity.