Microbiological preparation of substance U from cortisone

Among the many transformations of steroids by microorganisms reported in recent years were those using Fusarium strains1) 2). With progesterone as the substrate the main product isolated was Δ1,4‐androstadiene‐3,17‐dione. The same product has been found to be formed from Δ4‐androstene‐3,17‐dione, Δ5‐3β‐hydroxypregnene‐20‐one and Δ5‐3β‐hydroxyandrostene‐17‐one1). In contrast with the acetyl side‐chain of progesterone the dihydroxyacetone side‐chain of cortisone has not been attacked and cortisone was dehydrated to prednisone (1,2‐dehydrocortisone) 2).