Transport and spectral properties of strongly disordered chains

As a function of a parameter α, measuring the amount of disorder, we derive asymptotic results (including higher corrections) for the density of eigenstates scrN(E) and the inverse localization length γ(E) at frequencies ω2=E→0 in a harmonic chain with random masses. The same is done for the frequency-dependent diffusion coefficient D(0)(z) and Burnett coefficient D(2)(z) as z→0 in the hopping random barrier (RBM) and random jump rate models (RJM) with static disorder (bond and site problem, respectively). The disorder is described by random jump rates wn or random masses mn=1/wn with a probability distribution ρ(w)=(1-α)wαCTHETA(1-w) with α<1. With increasing disorder, i.e., increasing α, the above quantities pass from universal behavior in weakly disordered systems through several regions of nonuniversal behavior. A typical result is the long-time tail of the velocity autocorrelation function in the RBM: & with δ0=2/(2-α) for 0<α<1, δ0=1-α/2 for -1<α<0, and δ0=(3/2) (universal) for α<-1, with crossover behavior φ(0)(t)∼t1 (ln t)2 at α=0 and φ0(t)∼t3/2 ln t at α=-1.