Educational Translation of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children: A Construct Validity Study

Translation of Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) scores into educational programming, based on the battery's identification of a student's sequential or simultaneous information processing strengths, is one of the virtues espoused for this new battery. Children identified as reading delayed (η = 117, mean age = 7.22 years) were administered the K-ABC, a short form of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R), and two novel learning tasks. The learning tasks were designed to require sequential or simultaneous processing, and were analogous to beginning reading. Correlational results suggested that the Sequential and Simultaneous Processing Scales of the K-ABC failed to differentially predict performance on the parallel learning tasks; the WISC-R was the only significant predictor of performance for both learning tasks. Two subsamples with significant strengths in either sequential or simultaneous processing on the K-ABC also showed no differences on the learning tasks. Alternative conceptualizations of the information-processing demands of the K-ABC are explored.

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