The author states that there are various forms of pleuropneumonia-like organisms some of which are pathogenic and some of whichare not pathogenic for rats, mice and guinea pigs. These organisms do not take Gram''s stains but they are readily colored by Giemsa''s method. They are non-motile, readily destroyed by heat and have no specific resistance to glycerine. These organisms are rather granular and vary from 125 to 250 m/x. These organisms are not the cause of rheumatic fever or rheumatoid arthritis. The role played by these organisms in such diseases as Haverhill (which is one of 2 forms of ratbite fever) and Reiter''s syndrome needs further study. Haverhill fever is characterized by fever and polyarthritis. Streptobacillus moniliformis is cultivated from the blood. This organism is also often associated with the pleuropneumonia organism. Reiter''s syndrome is characterized by a triad of polyarthritis, non-specific urethritis and conjunctivitis.