Zur Biogenese der Alkaloide, I. Einbau14C-markierter Verbindungen in Ricinin

A method for the microdetermination of ricinin is described. With a minimal requirement of 10 mg of dried plant material, the reproducibility of results is within + 1%. The ricinin content of Ricinus seedlings and the increase in the amount of alkaloid during germination were determined. There was an intensive synthesis in the cotyledons between the 8th and 11th days of germination. Five mg of ricinin were isolated from a 16-20-day-old seedling. The incorporation of [C14]formate, [2-C14]acetate, [3-C14]aspartic acid, [2,4-c14]ricinic acid, [2-C14]glutamic acid, [1-C14]acetate [C14]-hydrogen carbonate, [C14]cyanide and uniformly labelled [C 14]lysine into ricinin was studied after their injection between the cotyledons and endosperm of 6-9-day-old plants. [C14]formate (2.6%) and 0.1% of uniformly labelled [C14]lysine were incorporated; values for the other compounds were between these 2 and in the order given above.

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