Intragastric pressure measurements and cineradiographic contrast studies were done in monkeys in order to determine the pressure at which esophageal reflux occurred. Antireflux operative procedures were performed above and below the diaphragm, and the results compared. The Nissen fundoplication proved to be the most effective type of mechanical antireflux valve and worked equally well placed above and below the diaphragm. Of 200 consecutive adult patients undergoing operative correction of esophageal reflux, 19 had severe esophageal strictures. Through a transthoracic approach, two patients had subdiaphragmatic Nissen fundoplications, one with adenocarcinoma of the esophagus had an esophageal resection, and 16 had supradiaphragmatic Nissen fundoplications; those 16 patients form the basis of this report. No patients died; superficial, temporary esophageal ulcerations developed in two. Follow-up times have ranged from six months to eight years; the results in all cases have been good. Experimental and clinical evidence supports the belief that this less radical approach is the treatment of choice in the management of severe esophageal strictures secondary to reflux esophagitis.