NOTCH4 gene promoter polymorphism is associated with the age of onset in schizophrenia

Objectives TheNOTCH4gene has a promoter polymorphism at position - 25, which leads to the three genotypes TT, CT and CC. These have been suggested to present a novel independent genetic risk factor for schizophrenia. We conducted a prospective case-control study to explore the impact ofNOTCH4T-25C polymorphism on the factors associated with schizophrenia. Method NOTCH4gene promoter T-25C polymorphism was determined by polymerase chain reaction among 94 patients with schizophrenia and 94 healthy age-matched and sex-matched blood donors. Results The T allele was highly associated with an earlier age of onset in male patients of schizophrenia (Kaplan-Meier log-rank testPP=0.046]. No association was determined, however, between theNOTCH4gene polymorphism under study and schizophrenia. Conclusion TheNOTCH4T-25C polymorphism has an important effect on the age of onset in schizophrenia and thus may be related to an early pathogenesis of schizophrenia in young patients. Alternatively, these findings may represent a significant genetic marker for managing subgroups and etiological clues in schizophrenia.