Maternal transmission of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus represents a heterogeneous group of conditions characterized by impaired glucose homeostasis. The disorder runs in families but the mechanism underlying this is unknown. Many, but not all, studies have suggested that mothers are excessively implicated in the transmission of the disorder. A number of possible genetic phenomena could explain this observation, including the exclusively maternal transmission of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). It is now apparent that mutations in mtDNA can indeed result in maternally inherited diabetes. Although several mutations have been implicated, the strongest evidence relates to a point substitution at nucleotide position 3243 (A to G) in the mitochondrial tRNAleu(UUR) gene. Mitochondrial diabetes is commonly associated with nerve deafness and often presents with progressive non‐autoimmune β‐cell failure. Specific treatment with Coenzyme Q10 or L‐carnitine may be beneficial. Several rodent models of mitochondrial diabetes have been developed, including one in which mtDNA is specifically depleted in the pancreatic islets. Apart from severe, pathogenic mtDNA mutations, common polymorphisms in mtDNA may contribute to variations of insulin secretory capacity in normal individuals. Mitochondrial diabetes accounts for less than 1% of all diabetes and other mechanisms must underlie the maternal transmission of Type 2 diabetes. Possibilities include the role of maternally controlled environments, imprinted genes and epigenetic phenomena.