Slow inward Ca current in frog heart: theoretical evidence against a voltage-dependent inactivation

The validity of a Hodgkin–Huxley type voltage-dependent inactivation of slow inward Ca current (Isi) was tested in frog heart using a computer simulation. The time course of Isi, was calculated during the development of a frog atrial action potential (AP). With a time constant of inactivation (τf) of 55 ms at a membrane potential (Em) of –15 mV, the variation of Isi was biphasic; after a transient increase followed by a decrease to zero, Isi partially "reactivated" (at the beginning of the AP repolarization phase) and then fully deactivated. The "reactivation" phase of Isi developed whether τf was an increasing, decreasing, U-shaped, or bell-shaped function of Em. The addition of an independent and slower process responsible for the recovery from inactivation only partly suppressed the "reactivation" phase. However, until now there was no experimental evidence supporting such a biphasic variation of Isi during AP repolarization. Thus our results indicate that the Hodgkin–Huxley type model of the voltage-dependence of Isi-inactivation process may not correctly represent the actual behavior of frog cardiac muscle.