A Bitewing Radiographic Study of a Population of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Rhesus Monkeys

A population of 7 diabetic and 13 nondiabetic rhesus monkeys (Macacca mulatta) were examined radiographically using bitewing imaging techniques. Each subject was scored radiographically for bone levels, periodontal ligament (PDL) widening, radiographic calculus, and carious lesions. Prior to examinations blood samples were obtained for fasting blood glucose levels. Results indicated that all clinical variables were generally greater for the diabetic group, with bone loss being the only statistically significant parameter. Calculus levels, however, were found to be greater radiographically in the nondiabetic group. In viewing the study population as a single group of 20 monkeys, decreased bone levels were found to be positively correlated with PDL widening and blood glucose levels suggesting an association of hyperglycemic states with possible decreased resistance to infection. It was concluded that carbohydrate intolerance with hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus may be associated with the radiographic variable of increased bone resorption using an objective system of measurement for evaluation and scoring. Without a quantitative system of measurement such as devised in this study, other radiographic variables such as PDL widening, calculus deposits, and carious lesions may not be accurately tested against one another or correlated with other experimental clinical parameters.

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