Platelet responses in health and disease

This article summarizes recent ultrastructure findings from our laboratory and documents some of the information accumulated primarily since 1975 from many laboratories. Special attention is given to documentation by scanning electron microscopy which affords insight into platelet activation (adhesion, aggregation, release/secretion) and especially platelet-vessel wall interactions. Structural physiology of platelets is considered in some detail as a basis for understanding platelet disorders contributing to clinical problems of thrombosis and hemorrhage. The impaired ability of vonWillebrand platelets to adhere to injured vessel wall is reported using the human umbilical vein perfusion model. Relationships between platelets and blood coagulation factors focus on the exquisite sensitivity of platelets to minute amounts of thrombin. Unmasking of platelet factor 3 sites is identified on activated platelets, after glutaraldehyde fixation, by their reaction to latex bearing anti-platelet factor 3 markers. The basis for platelet-collagen interactions is reviewed. Conditions for and possible mechanisms behind platelet interaction with vessel wall are discussed. Ex vivo flowing blood-vessel wall models offer opportunities for improved understanding of the platelets role(s) in vascular diseases.