Expansion-extrusion Processed Sorghum Grain and Soybeans in Diets of Dairy Calves

Forty-four Holstein calves were al- lotted randomly into four groups of seven females and four males and fed ra- tions containing: (I) grain sorghum and soybean meal (pelleted), (II) grain sorghum and soybean meal (expanded- extruded), (III) grain sorghum and soy- beans (expanded-extruded), and (IV) grain sorghum (pelleted) and soybeans (expanded-extruded). Calves were fed their rations ad libitum from 3 to 95 days of age. Milk replacer was fed twice daily from 3 to 45 days of age. Twelve Holstein bull calves approximately 56 days of age were in a total fecal collec- tion digestion trial to determine apparent- ly digestible protein and energy. Negligi- ble differences occurred among calves in rate of gain, starter intake, and starter to gain ratio. Daily gains were .46, .44, .43, and .46 kg for Groups I through IV. Differences were small in apparently di- gestible protein and energy. However, rations containing expanded-extruded grain sorghum tended to have higher digestible energy. Extruded soybeans were equal to soybean meal as a source of protein.