The relationship between inert gas wash‐out and radioactive tracer microspheres in measurement of bone blood flow: Effect of decreased arterial supply and venous congestion on bone blood flow in an animal model

Several methods have been employed in the study of bone perfusion. We used a method of determining inert gas wash‐out by mass spectrometry in the study of blood flow rates in pigs. The method was validated by comparison of the result obtained with inert gas wash‐out to that with measurement by microspheres. Furthermore, the effect of decreased inlet flow and venous congestion on the bone perfusion data was tested. The undisturbed bone blood flow was not significantly different when measured with wash‐out of inert gas (7 ± 0.7 ml/min/100 g) or with microspheres (9 ± 2.9 ml/min/100 g), and the methods were correlated. Perfusion was reduced significantly, to 20% of the original value, after arterial occlusion. The changes in wash‐out curves and accumulation of radioactive tracer provided substantial evidence for impaired intraosseous circulation following venous obstruction also. In conclusion, the study showed that this method of determining inert gas wash‐out is feasible for studies of local perfusion rates in bone. The flow rates obtained by wash‐out correlated well with the results of microsphere studies. In this animal model, both methods detected a fivefold reduction in flow rate after clamping of the arterial inflow. Obstruction of the venous outflow also impaired blood flow and lowered the cellular supply.