The findings in 51 patients with plasma cell myeloma are presented. The age and sex incidence, marrow findings and incidence of hyperglobulinemia and Bence-Jones proteinuria agree in general with the established observations of many others. The anemia was macrocytic in a high proportion of the patients, a fact which has received insufficient emphasis and which may lead to diagnostic error. Diffuse osteoporosis is commonly present, usually associated with localized osteolytic lesions but occasionally as the sole evidence of bone involvement. Failure to appreciate this fact has led to incorrect diagnosis. Renal failure in plasma cell myeloma tended to be associated with a normal or low serum globulin, high serum ionized Ca and Bence-Jones proteinuria. These findings may be considered of prognostic significance as regards renal failure Their possible causative relationship to renal failure is discussed. There is no satifactory treatment. Roentgen irradiation will temporarily control local lesions. Urethane alleviates pain and causes marked symptomatic improvement in some patients. ACTH and cortisone therapy, with a few notable exceptions, have not seemed to alter the course of the disease.