Methods for Measurement of LDL-Cholesterol: A Critical Assessment of Direct Measurement by Homogeneous Assays versus Calculation

Background: Because LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) is a modifiable risk for coronary heart disease, its routine measurement is recommended in the evaluation and management of hypercholesterolemia. We critically examine here the new homogeneous assays for direct determination of LDL-C. Approach: This review relies on published studies and data of the authors using research and routine methods for LDL-C determination. We review experience with methods from their earlier use in lipid research laboratories through the transition to routine clinical testing and the recent development of homogeneous assays. We focus on comparative evaluations and characterizations and the performance of the assays. Content: Homogeneous assays seem to be able to meet current National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) requirements for LDL-C testing for precision (CV <4%) and accuracy (bias 4000 mg/L. Before the homogeneous assays can be confidently recommended to replace the calculation in routine practice, more evaluation is needed.