Differential expression of α‐tubulin mRNA in rat cerebellum as revealed by in situ hybridization

Nucleotide sequence analysis of two rat α-tubulin cDNA clones showed a marked divergence in their 3'-untranslated regions. However, each of the α-tubulin isotypes shows a high interspecies homology in this region, when compared with an isotubulin sequence from human and Chinese hamster. In situ hybridization of rat cerebellum with α-tubulin cDNA revealed differential expression in various cell layers. The mitotically active cells in the external granular layer show the highest level of α-tubulin mRNA, while lower levels are observed in the migrating cells in the molecular layer and in the differentiating cells in the internal granular layer. Very low levels of the mRNA are observed in the prenatally differentiated Purkinje cells.