Growth regulator levels in embryo and suspensor of Phaseolus coccineus at two stages of development

Gibberellins and auxins were extracted from embryos and suspensors of Phaseolus coccineus L. at two stages of development: A) heart-shaped embryo and B) cotyledonary embryo with suspensor in the initial stage of degeneration. The time interval between the two stages was 5–6 days. In both embryos and suspensors, gibberellin (GA)-like activity was found in three fractions: F-1 (ethyl acetate fraction at pH 8.0), F-2 (free GAs) and F-3 (bound GAs). At stage A, the total GA activity in the suspensor was about 30 times greater than in the embryo and the bound GAs contributed by about 90% to the total GA content. A dramatic decrease in level of bound GA-like substances was found in suspensors at stage B, when the level of total GAs in the embryo had increased to 10 times that at stage A. This might suggest a transport of GAs from the suspensor to the embryo. In both embryo and suspensor, qualitative changes in GAs with shift in activity of the fractions tested occurred at the two developmental stages. The methanolic extracts of stage A suspensors showed two inhibitors, one much more active than the other, and two large peaks of growth promoting activity at Rf 0.4–0.7; in stage A embryos, the general activity of the extracts was lower and the promoting effect was spread over Rf 0.3–0.9. The present results seem to support the view that the suspensor plays a role in embryogenesis by acting as a site of synthesis of growth regulators needed by the embryo.