Isothermal vapor-phase epitaxy of Hg1−xCdxTe on CdTe and Al2O3 substrates

The isothermal vapor‐phase‐epitaxial (ISOVPE) growth of device‐quality HgCdTe layers on both CdTe and CdTe/Al2O3 substrates has been demonstrated. The material and device properties on both types of substrates have been studied and compared with reported values for HgCdTe grown by other techniques. The as‐grown ISOVPE Hg1−xCdxTe (x≂0.3) epilayers are always p type with carrier concentrations of ∼5×1015 to 3×1016 cm3 and mobilities of ∼230–260 cm2/V s at 77 K. The temperature and compositional dependence of electrical properties of ISOVPE Hg1−xCdxTe are somewhat different from those of liquid‐phase epitaxy (LPE) and bulk HgCdTe. In particular, the acceptor ionization energy, EA =7 meV, is about half that obtained in midwavelength infrared LPE or bulk HgCdTe, and nearly independent of composition x. The R0A product of a representative photodiode (λc ≂4.65 μm, 77 K) is 2×106 and 4 Ω cm2 at 77 and 195 K, respectively, with comparable device qualities seen on both CdTe and CdTe/Al2O3 substrates.