Effect of Application of Sugar on the Translocation of Sodium 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate by Bean Plants in the Dark

A drop of an aqueous soln. of Na(2,4-D) containing 70-100 [mu]g. was applied to the upper surface of one of the primary leaves of each of a number of Red Kidney bean plants, some of which were kept in the light before and after application of the growth-regulator and some of which were kept in the dark for 24 hrs. before and after treatment. The leaves of some of the plants in the dark were dipped in a sugar soln. several times shortly before the growth-regulator was applied. Sugar was applied to still other plants by placing the cut end of one of the primary leaves of each plant in a vessel containing a 10% sugar soln. The application of sugar to the leaves of destarched plants which were subsequently treated with Na(2,4-D) in the dark resulted in stem curvature and inhibition in growth of the trifoliate leaf blades. No evidence was found that Na(2,4-D) was translocated out of destarched bean leaves in the dark unless sugar was applied to the leaves. Fructose and glucose were significantly more effective than sucrose in augmenting the translocation of the growth-regulator under the above conditions.