Medical treatment of symptomatic hiatus hernia with low-density compounds

SummaryTwenty-eight patients with hiatus hernia and severe symptoms of oesophageal reflux completed a double-blind cross-over trial in which compounds designed to float on gastric contents were administered. Each patient received an alginate/antacid compound (‘Gaviscon’), alginate without antacid and ‘placebo’ inr andomized order for periods of two weeks. Significant relief of both regurgitation and heartburn was achieved with the alginate I antacid compound despite its low antacid content. The mode of action of alginate is discussed and, as alginate without antacid is only marginally better than placebo, it seems probable that it facilitates placement of antacid in the upper stomach and lower oesophagus. † ‘Gaviscon’ is a trade mark of Reckitt and Colman Limited.