Prediction of Future Nitrate Concentrations in Ground Watera

Over the last few years rises in the nitrate content of ground water from wells and springs in the principal aquifers of the United Kingdom have been observed. In a number of cases the concentrations have exceeded the WHO lower recommended limit. In order to determine the reason for the rise, to assess whether it will continue and the eventual nitrate levels, the Water Research Centre has undertaken an extensive programme of drilling and sampling on the Chalk and Bunter Sandstone, and by August 1976, twenty‐two sites had been examined. This work has established that high nitrate concentrations (peaks up to 60 mg/l NO3‐N have been observed) are present in the unsaturated aquifers at fertilized arable/ley sites. At unfertilized grassland sites nitrate concentrations are low (less than 4 mg/l NO3‐N) and below fertilized established grassland values are in the intermediate range. At one farm site near Winchester, models to predict the rate of movement of nitrate through the unsaturated and saturated Chalk have been developed. These suggest that the nitrate levels at this site will remain at an essentially constant value of about 4 mg/l NO3‐N until the late 1970's when they will rise progressively to about 4 mg/l NO3‐N. The models have been checked against tritium data and the approach is now being extended to other sites.