New synthetic routes to synthons suitable for 2′-O-allyloligoribonucleotide assembly

New synthetic routes have been devised for the high yield preparation of protected 2′-O-allylribonucleoside- 3′4-phosphoramldites, exemplified by the ribonucleosides guanosine and 2,6-diaminopurine riboside (2-amlnoadenosine). Key features are the use of versatile intermediates and an easy allylation step. The development of a novel synthon based on 2′O-allyl- 2,6-diaminopurine riboslde enables short 2′O-allyloligoribonucieotide probes to be synthesized with adenine replaced by 2-aminoadenlne. Thus very stable hybrids wtth complementary RNA target sequences can be formed due to the formation of the three hydrogen bond 2-amlno A-U base pairs.

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