Dendritic cell‐based cancer immunotherapy: Potential for treatment of colorectal cancer?

Human tumours including those of the gastrointestinal tract express a number of specific antigens that can be recognized by T cells, thus providing potential targets for cancer immunotherapy. Dendritic cells (DC) are rare leucocytes that are uniquely potent in their ability to capture, process and present antigens to T cells, and so selectively migrate through tissues to reach lymph nodes and spleen where initiation of immune responses takes place. Studies in murine tumour models have shown clearly that DC are capable of presenting tumour antigens to initiate tumour‐specific cytotoxic T cell responses, and DC vaccination can induce anti‐tumour activity against both primary tumours and pre‐established tumour metastases. These findings together with the ability to culture sufficient numbers of DC from human bone marrow or blood progenitors have prompted the current major interest in their potential use in human tumour vaccination. Vaccine production involves harvesting autologous DC from cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the presence of a cocktail of cytokines, ex vivo exposure of the DC to tumour antigens and return of pulsed DC to the patient to induce tumour immunity. Reports from Phase I/II clinical trials indicate that DC vaccines are safe with little or no side effect, and are capable of initiating antigen‐specific T cell responses. Furthermore, defined tumour antigens are not necessarily required, which may make the process more applicable to human cancers, including many gastrointestinal cancers that lack well‐characterized tumour‐specific antigens. Additional trials of DC vaccination for a variety of human cancers including colorectal cancers are under way, and refinement of vaccine protocols and methods for targeting tumour antigens to DC in vivo are also being explored. There is reason to believe that DC‐based vaccination could become an adjunct to current treatments for human cancers including colorectal cancer in the foreseeable future.