Evidence for Doorway States inPb207,Pb208, andFe57from Threshold Photoneutron Cross-Section Measurements

The proposed doorway state in Pb207 seen by neutron total cross-section measurements on Pb206 also has been observed in the (γ,n) reaction. Both the envelope of the strength and the correlation between fine structure in the two channels support the doorway-state interpretation. The width for γ-ray decay of the doorway state to the ground state Γγ0D is found to be 36.5 ± 3.5 eV. Other possible doorway states in the γ-ray channel in Pb208 at 500 keV, Pb207 at 125 keV, and Fe57 at 50 and 250 keV above threshold are discussed. An attempt is made to produce a correlation between neutron and γ-ray widths; no significant correlation was observed for these nuclei.