Physiology of the SOS response: Kinetics of lexA and recA transcriptional activity following induction

The products of the lexA and recA genes play central roles in the regulation of the Escherichia coli SOS response. We have measured the rate of mRNA synthesis from each gene at intervals following various inducing treatments in order to obtain a more precise timing of the induction process. Further, we provide quantitative evidence for kinetics of decay from fully induced levels of mRNA synthesis to basal levels as the cells shut down the SOS response which are in agreement with previously published data on the expression of specific SOS functions. The induction kinetics of lexA and recA gene expression are parallel except for nalidixic acid (NAL) treatment, with the actual levels of lexA mRNA synthesis being about 10-fold lower than that of recA. Reestablishment of repression from RecA commenced over 30 min earlier than from lexA. These results are fully consistent with the model that the functions result from the increased gene expression.