Intensity Distributions in Electron Interference Phenomena Produced by an Electrostatic Bi-prism

The paper describes a model of electron interference obtained using an electrostatic bi-prism. The model is an approximation to the actual interference process, in which two diffracted waves, each representing the diffraction of electrons emerging from a single source by an opaque half-plane, are superposed in such a way that the half-planes are of opposite orientation and overlap by a distance equal to the width of the bi-prism filament. The intensity distribution in the interference pattern calculated according to the formula derived from this model is in an exact agreement with the intensity distribution found experimentally. This makes it possible to present a consistent quantitative explanation of all the special properties of the interference pattern, including intensity modulation of the fringes. The model may also serve for detailed interpretation of some interference phenomena in light optics, such as those observed with the help of Fresnel mirrors or a Fresnel bi-prism.