High-Frequency Modulation Characteristics of 1.3->tex<$muhboxm$>/tex<InGaAs Quantum Dot Lasers

We report results of small-signal modulation characteristics of self-assembled 1.3-μm InGaAs-GaAs quantum dot (QD) lasers at room temperature. The narrow ridge-waveguide lasers were fabricated with multistack InGaAs self-assembled QDs in active region. A high characteristic temperature of T/sub o/=210 K with threshold current density of 200A/cm 2 was obtained. Small-signal modulation bandwidth of f/sub -3 dB/=12 GHz was measured at 300 K with differential gain of dg/dn/spl cong/2.4×10/sup -14/ cm 2 from detailed characteristics. We observed that a limitation of modulation bandwidth in high current injection appeared with gain saturation. This property can direct future high-speed QD laser design.