To find whether organic photo- or radiation-catalysts can also become effective in an aqueous medium in accordance with Schenk''s theory, a simple model was chosen. Oxidation of cysteine alone was observed under the following conditions: in darkness, in UV, and under X-irradiation; and also of cysteine mixed with a suspension of 3,4-benzpyrene under the same conditions. Undoubtedly UV accelerates the oxidation of cysteine both alone and in the presence of the cyclic hydrocarbon. When X-irradiated the increase of cysteine-oxidation can only become effective after a total dose of approximately 4000 r. When a cysteine-solution containing a suspension of 3,4-benzpyrene is irradiated, the increase of oxidation in the darkness is clearly reduced. For this "reducing effect" a dose of 600 r is sufficient.