The usual phonon Boltzmann equation is solved by using two mean relaxation times, τN for normal and τR for resistive processes. For a Debye solid with three polarizations, an explicit expression for the Fourier transform of the local temperature in a heat-pulse experiment is calculated. It describes hydrodynamic phenomena for Ωτ1, such as second sound and diffusive heat conduction, and heat transport by ballistic phonons for Ωτ1. In the intermediate regime, Ωτ1, we find the following results: a second-sound wave with wave vector Q can only propagate if QτN and QτR are smaller than certain critical values, (QτN)c and (QτR)c, i.e., for TTc, assuming the usual monotonic T dependence of τN and τR. The velocity C2 of second sound strongly depends on these relaxation times. Its maximum value, occurring at T=Tc, is the larger the smaller the ratio (τN)c(τR)c. Then C2 decreases with rising T and finally goes to zero for ΩτR1.