Far-infrared c-axis response of La1.87Sr0.13CuO4 determined by ellipsometry

We have measured the c-axis optical response of a large, high-quality single crystal of La1.87 Sr0.13CuO4 between 30 and 700 cm1 in the 10-300 K temperature range with a far-infrared Fourier ellipsometer. Since ellipsometry provides both amplitude and phase information, we directly obtain the complex dielectric function, thereby avoiding the errors introduced by the Kramers-Kronig transformation or the reference determination. A purely algebraic treatment of our data within the two-fluid Gorter-Casimir model reveals no indication of a reduction of the normal carrier scattering rate Γ below Tc. We obtain Γ130±70 cm1 and a plasma frequency for the superconducting carriers of ωps260±40 cm1. Thus, assuming a weak-coupling BCS gap (3.5kBTc77 cm1, with Tc=31.5 K) we conclude that the c-axis optical response of La1.87 Sr0.13CuO4 can neither be modeled within the clean nor with the dirty limit.