Hypomagnesaemia in cattle

Extract The clinical condition of “Kopziekte” or “grass tetany” in cows was recognized in the Netherlands for many years before Sjollema ( 1928 Sjollema, B. 1928. Translation published as Sjollema, B. (1930) On the nature and therapy of grass staggers. Vet. Rec, 10: 425–431. 450–4 [Google Scholar] , 1932 Sjollema, B. 1932. Nutritional and metabolic disorders in cattle. Nutr. Abstr. Rev., 1: 621–632. [Google Scholar] ) and his colleague (Sjollema and Seekles, 1929 Sjollema, B. and Seekles, L. 1929. Translation published as Sjollema, B. (1930) On the nature and therapy of grass staggers. Vet. Rec., 10: 425–431. 450–4 [Google Scholar] ) first reported its association with low serum magnesium values in distinction to the low calcium of “milk fever”. The first parallel British observations were made by Dryerre ( 1932 Dryerre, H. 1932. Lactation tetany. Vet. Rec., 12: 1163–1168. [Google Scholar] ) who established pronounced hypomagnesaemia in cases of so-called “lactation tetany” in grazing cows. This term was introduced by Lothian ( 1931 Lothian, W. 1931. Lactation tetany in the cow. Vet. Rec., 11: 585–585. [Google Scholar] ) who described the clinical effects without correlation of the blood findings. In cows recently turned out from stall to grass, Blakemore and Stewart ( 1933 Blakemore, F. and Stewart, J. 1933. Some observations on several outbreaks of so-called lactation tetany in cattle. 3rd Rep. Inst. Anim. Path. Univ. Camb., 1932–1933: 159–168. [Google Scholar] ) found hypomagnesaemia not only in cases of clinical tetany but also in a proportion of the apparently normal cows of the same herd at the same time. Concurrently Hopkirk et al. ( 1933 Hopkirk, C. S. M. , Marshall, D. and Blake, T. A. 1933. Grass tetany of dairy cows. Vet. Rec., 13: 355–361. [Google Scholar] ) reported a similar observation in cows at grass throughout the year in New Zealand.

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