Inservice Training to Support the Education of Learners with Severe Handicaps in Their Local Public Schools

In five Vermont school districts an inservice training model was field-tested to demonstrate that learners with severe handicaps could be effectively educated in their local public schools. The model featured intensive training, modeling, coaching, and feedback to support local school personnel in forming effective collaborative teams and acquiring the necessary competiencies to implement "best educational practices" for learners with severe handicaps. Training content, processes, and issues that relate to the effectiveness and implementation of the model are discussed. Problem-solving strategies implemented by local planning teams are also reported. Evaluation of 65 programs for students with severe handicaps indicated that all students have returned to and continue to attend their local schools. All students spend from 20% to 100% of their school week with nonhandicapped peers in regular education activities. Regular and special education teachers, parents, and administrators have indicated high levels of satisfaction with the students' pertormance in the local school and at home.