Histoautoradiographic Localization of Calcium in Oat Plant Tissues

The leaching of water-soluble and exchangeable calcium in histoautoradiog-raphy of oat tissue can be prevented by using acetone as the dehydration fluid (freeze substitution technique) and by keeping the tissue sections, while stretching on water, embedded in the methacrylate matrix. Ca45 was either added to the mineral solution on which the oat plants were grown (75 μc), or applied on the leaf surface (8 μc). After freezing in melting isopentane, specimens of 1-2 mm dimensions are fixed for 24 hr in an acetone-OsO4 (1%) solution at—80 C. Dehydration is obtained by transferring the material every day for 6 successive days to a fresh acetone solution at—80 C. The material is infiltrated by a three-time renewed monomer methacrylate mixture (methylmethacrylate I, butylmethacrylate 4) at—50 C. The specimens are embedded in the polymerizing methacrylate mixture at room temperature. Sections of 4-8 μ are easily cut with a rotating microtome. If the methacrylate is not removed from the sections, they can be stretched on water without leaching of calcium. The presence of methacrylate in no way hinders microscopic observation nor effective histoautoradiography.