Effect of Negative Energy Components in the Two-Nucleon System

A feature of the Lévy-Klein solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the deuteron is the elimination of φ+, φ+, and φ in terms of the φ++ component of the wave function via a perturbation expansion. To investigate the validity of this procedure, the coupled equations for the various components in the first nonadiabatic approximation to the Δ+ interaction were examined. A set of first-order radial equations with multiplicative potentials (in the region r>1m) was obtained, involving φ±±(r)=14(1±β1)(1±β2)φ(r). A rigorous elimination of φ+ and φ+ led to equations containing φ++ and φ. By neglecting velocity-dependent terms, potentials of the type μ22mg24πτ1·τ2Y(4)P0+12(g24π)τ1·τ2Y(r) appear. Expanding the denominator yields the usual Yukawa second-order potential plus a term proportional to g4(τ1·τ2)2. Such an expansion, however, is poor even for r1μ, a pole actually existing near r0.7μ for the charge singlet state. (For J=1, the structure of the lowest-order tensor interaction is greatly altered.) Thus, the perturbation expansion appears to radically alter the structure of the equations.