Photosensitivity of a protoporphyrin-accumulating, light-sensitive mutant (visA) of Escherichia coli K-12.

Mutations in the visA gene of Escherichia coli cause the mutant bacteria to die upon illumination with visible light. We confirmed genetically that the visA gene is a structural gene for ferrochelatase (protoheme ferro-lyase, EC Since other mutations in the genes involved in the biosynthesis of heme can cure the photosensitivity, the light-induced cell death appears to be brought about by the accumulation of protoporphyrin IX, one of the substrates of ferrochelatase. When cells are illuminated with visible light, protoporphyrin IX seems to produce an active species of oxygen (probably 1O2) that is harmful to the cells. This defect is the same as that associated with the human disease protoporphyria.