Comparison of Photoconductive Response Times of InGaAs/InAlAs and InGaAs/InGaAsP Multi-Quantum Well Waveguide Modulators

We compare the pulsed photoconductive response of InGaAs/InAlAs and InGaAs/InGaAsP multiple quantum well waveguide modulators as a function of bias voltage. The InGaAsP device exhibits a substantially faster pulsed photoresponse for fields between 20 and 200 kV/cm and attains its optimum performance (minimum pulse width, maximum internal efficiency) for very low applied fields (30 kV/cm), while the InAlAs device does so only for very large fields of >200 kV/cm. While the electron and hole sweep-out times are within a factor of 3 of each other in both samples, we argue that the reduction in response time for the InGaAsP device arises mainly from a reduction in electron sweep-out times.