Infrared photoluminescence of preexisting or irradiation-induced interstitial oxygen molecules in glassySiO2and α-quartz

A sensitive technique for detecting interstitial O2 molecules in SiO2 is demonstrated by measuring their infrared aX luminescence at 1272.2 nm under a Ti-sapphire laser excitation into the O2Xb absorption band at 765 nm. Contrary to the case of O2 trapped in inert gas matrices, the visible emission of O2 corresponding to the direct bX transition is not found. Examination of different neutron- and gamma-irradiated glassy SiO2 and α-quartz samples reveals radiation-induced interstitial oxygen molecules in concentrations between 1014 and 1016molecules/cm3. The radiolytic O2 molecules in α-quartz and glassy SiO2 experience different structural environments.