Male poults housed at 10 and 15 birds/pen and female poults housed at 15 birds/ pen were fed, from 6 to 10 weeks, on diets containing o, 15, 30 and 30% field beans (Vicia faba L.). The difference between the last two diets was in the level of methio‐nine; one contained 1.6 and the other 1.9%. From 10 to 16 weeks of age birds were fed on diets containing 0 or 20% field beans. At 10 weeks birds given diets with 30% beans were significantly lighter than other poults. At 16 weeks only the poults previously given a diet with 1.9% methionine were significantly lighter than control birds. Males given 0.37 m2 of floor space were significantly heavier at 16 weeks than those given 0.25 m2.