Leberverkalkungen bei metastasierendem Vipom

A 53-year-old woman had suffered from watery diarrhea and substitution-requiring hypokalaemia for 18 months. Ultrasonography and abdominal x-ray revealed multiple calcifications in the liver. Retrograde cholangiopancreaticography, performed because an endocrine-secreting pancreatic tumour was suspected, demonstrated occlusion of the major pancreatic duct and calcification in the body of the pancreas. Gastrointestinal hormone levels were elevated (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide 950 pg/ml, pancreatic polypeptide 1000 pmol/l and neurotensin 86 pmol/l) in the blood, and immunohistochemical results on cells of an adenocarcinoma obtained by needle biopsy confirmed a metastasizing VIPoma. Administration of the somatostatin analogue SMS 201-995 achieved marked improvement.