Ureteroscopy For The Treatment Of Urolithiasis In Children

Ureteroscopy for treating urolithiasis in prepubertal children has become more common with the advent of smaller instruments. We reviewed our experience with ureteroscopy for urolithiasis in this cohort of patients as well as the literature using this treatment modality in children. Between 1994 and 2000 we performed 27 ureteroscopic stone extractions in 25 children. Ureteroscopy was done in a manner similar to that in adults. Ureteral dilation was performed when necessary to access the ureter. A stent was placed postoperatively if there was significant ureteral trauma. Of the 25 children 13 were male and 12 were female. Average age was 9.2 years (range 3 to 14). Stones were 2 to 12 mm. in greatest diameter (average 6). Of the 27 procedures the ureteral orifice was dilated before stone treatment in 15 (56%), while in 19 (70%) a stent was placed afterward. No intraoperative and 2 postoperative complications were identified. Overall 92% of the children were rendered stone-free after 1 procedure and 100% were stone-free after 2. Ureteroscopy for urolithiasis in prepubertal children is safe and effective. Routine ureteral dilation and ureteral stent placement are not always necessary in these patients.