γδ T‐cell lymphomas: a homogeneous entity?

γδ T-cells comprise an immunologically distinct lymphoid population, characterized by specific morphological, phenotypical and functional properties. Therefore it seems reasonable to speculate that neoplasms derived from this particular T-cell subset display distinct features. Indeed, the prototype γδ T-cell lymphoma, hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma constitutes a unique clinicopathological entitity which is intimately associated with a γδ T-cell phenotype. However, γδ T-cell lymphomas have also been described in other extranodal sites where, unlike reactive γδ T-cells and hepatosplenic γδ T-cell lymphomas, they display an important morphological heterogeneity. Moreover, these nonhepatosplenic γδ T-cell lymphomas are essentially not that different from their αβ T-cell receptor for antigen (TCR)-expressing counterparts and thus may be incorporated in the established T-cell lymphoma subclasses. However, subtle differences regarding their histopathological appearance as well as their biological behaviour indicate that further studies to determine the exact significance of TCR expression are required. Such inquiries may contribute to the general understanding of T-cell lymphomagenesis in general, which is still obscure.