Effects of Intravenously Administered Poly-D L-lysine in Rats

Poly-DL-lysine was administered intraven. to rats. Lethal doses of 1.5-2 mg. per 100 g. body wt. interfered with thrombin formation, and caused pulmonary and cardiac edema and death within 12 min. The large dose of 8 mg. polylysine per 100 g. body wt. caused red cell agglutination and prolonged clotting time. Sub-lethal doses also caused a disturbance in thrombin formation, slight hemolysis and reticulocytosis, and transitory symptoms of respiratory distress. Heparin and synthetic poly-L-aspartic acid were antagonistic to polylysine and prevented death of poly-lysine-treated rats, hemolysis and coagulation disturbance. These effects in vivo corroborated the observations on the biological action of polylysine in vitro.