Vestibulothalamic projections in man--a sixth primary sensory pathway

1. Responses suggesting activation of the vestibular system, elicited by electrical stimulation of the human thalamus during 22 routine stereotaxic neurosurgical procedures, were examined in a retrospective study to determine the possible existence of vestibulothalamo-cortical projections in man. 2. Such responses were most frequently described as sensations of movement through space and were associated with two distinct vestibulothalamic projections: a) an anterior relay was situated ventral to the medial lemniscus, passing lateral to the red nucleus and dorsal to the subthalamic nucleus prior to terminating in the nucleus ventrointermedius (Vim) (comparable to VPLo in primates); b) a posterior relay associated with the auditory pathway (lateral lemniscus and brachium of the inferior colliculus) projected to the medial geniculate body. 3. The production of sensations of motion in conscious patients by stimulating areas that are similar to those reported constituting vestibulothalamic pathways in cats and primates implies a distinct primary sensory cortical projection for processing information from the vestibular receptors pertaining to the recognition of spatial movements.