Magnetic Moments of Rhenium-186 and Rhenium-188 and Analysis of the Rhenium Hyperfine Structure

The nuclear moments of rhenium-186 and rhenium-188 have been measured by the method of triple resonance in an atomic beam. They are found to be μI(186)=+1.728(.003) nm and μI(188)=+1.777(.005) nm, including the correction for diamagnetic shielding. With these values, an analysis based on the wave function of Trees has been undertaken of the hyperfine structure (hfs) in the S526 ground state arising from the half-filled 5d shell. Calculations are made of contributions arising from the breakdown of Russell-Saunders coupling within the configuration (5d)5(6s)2 and configuration mixing by (5d)6(6s). It is shown that the principal contribution to the magnetic dipole hfs comes from relativistic effects in S526. This is consistent with the small value obtained for the hyperfine anomaly Δ188186=0.1(0.4)%. It is found that if the radial wave functions of Cohen for 5d electrons are used to calculate relativistic corrections, then good agreement is obtained with the measured A constant. The correction factors of Casimir are shown to be too small by a factor of four. The quadrupole hyperfine structure is found to arise primarily from the cancellation of two off-diagonal matrix elements: a nonrelativistic element P524|qJ|D524 and a relativistic element S526|qJ|P524. Unfortunately, the accuracy is insufficient to permit a reliable determination of even the sign of the quadrupole moment. The measured nuclear moments are compared with the predictions of the Nilsson model. Good agreement is found if free-nucleon g factors are used, and excellent agreement is obtained with quenched g factors.